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A Brief Look at MVC Architecture in React

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Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash
Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

MVC architecture is a design pattern used in software engineering aimed at separating an application into three interconnected components: Model, View, and Controller. While initially rooted in Smalltalk, it has found widespread adoption in various programming languages and frameworks, such as Java (Spring), Python (Django), Ruby (Ruby on Rails), and JavaScript (Angular - technically MVVM but still very close, React with additional libraries). So what goes into each one of these components? Let’s break it down.

Model: The Data and Business Logic

In MVC architecture, the Model serves as the central hub for all things data-related. While React itself focuses more on the V (View) in MVC, the Model can be effectively implemented using state management libraries like Redux, MobX, or even React's Context API.

Types of data managed by the Model

  • Database Records: The Model layer is responsible for fetching, storing, and manipulating records from databases, whether it's a NoSQL database like MongoDB or a relational database like PostgreSQL.
  • HTTP Requests/Responses: The Model handles API calls, managing both the outgoing requests to and incoming responses from external or internal services.
  • Data Transformation Logic: The Model is also where you'd put any logic that transforms raw data into a format that's easy for the View to display. This could involve filtering lists, sorting data points, and more.
  • Business Rules: These are the conditions or validations that your application data must adhere to. For example, a business rule could specify that a user must have a verified email to make a purchase.

View: User Interface and Presentation

In a React application following the MVC architecture, the View is predominantly handled by React components. These components are the building blocks of your application's UI and are responsible for how the data is displayed on the screen. Unlike other parts of MVC, the View is mainly concerned with the visual layer and not with business logic or data manipulation.

Types of data handled by the View

  • HTML: The actual markup that structures the layout of the user interface.
  • CSS: Styling information that determines the look and feel of the application, such as colors, fonts, and layouts.
  • Templated Data: This refers to the dynamic data that is bound to the HTML. In React, this is accomplished through JSX and state variables.

Controller: Mediator for Model and View

In the context of an MVC architecture within a React application, the Controller acts as the middleman that handles the communication between the Model and the View. While React doesn't natively support Controllers, they can be effectively implemented using various approaches such as higher-order components, custom hooks, or even through state management libraries like Redux.

Types of Data Managed by the Controller

  • User Actions: Captures events triggered in the View, such as clicks, form submissions, or keyboard inputs.
  • Application State: Maintains or updates the global or local state based on interactions or data changes, often coordinating with the Model.
  • View State: Controls what components are displayed, what data is shown, and how it's formatted.


Using the MVC architecture in a React application offers a structured approach that enhances code maintainability, testability, and scalability. By clearly separating concerns—Model for data and business logic, View for UI and presentation, and Controller for orchestrating data flow—you create a modular codebase where each component has a distinct responsibility. This separation makes it easier to develop, debug, and collaborate on complex applications, ultimately speeding up development cycles and improving software quality.

Steven Brown in Milan
Steven Brown

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